binary recording

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binary recording

Post by wawa.voun »

Hello there,

I am one the way to try my new hires graphical board for my Elektor Junior Computer.

There is a kind of driver for this board (basically transcript high level graphical instructions to something understandable by the Thomson EF9367 gdc).

I have this driver in 6502 machine code only... The code is more or less 4096 bytes.

Using OS65D extended monitor, serial link and bash script I can fill memory with the code. So far so good...

Then I leave the monitor back to dos and make "save 20,1=b000,16" expecting to write 16 pages of memory starting at $b000 to disk track 20 sector 1 and follow.

First strange thing : the "save" command start without making "enter" !
Second : this write only one page (256 bytes) starting at $b000 to the disk track 20 !

What is the exact syntax of this command ? The manual is not very clear...
Manual say a track on minifloppy is 8 pages. Will the "save" command then use two tracks for 16 pages or should I manually save each half of the code on a separate track ?

Last : instead of use track/sector is it possible to use filename if the file was created before with bexec* ?

Thanks for some explanations about that.

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