Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by davisgw »

After trying several combinations of ROMs in my oldest system I was unable to get it to reset to the menu and boot BASIC. So I put the modified set back in and tried the dumping program again....everything worked so I'm concluding you were right about the old keyboard causing the character string to be short, and I did not see it. So I have 2 dumps of the same monitor ROM....one with spaces between each byte and one without. I also dumped Basic3 and Basic4 to examine later just in case I need to. I'm attaching the two files.

I'm attaching the memory map for my Superboard with the S-100 expansion to explain what has been remapped from the original OSI design.

NOW I have capability to transfer files, but only from the oldest Superboard, but I need to re-attach the S-100 expansion to get to ePROM writer and floppy disk drives.

Thanks to you both for your help and expertise!
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by davisgw »

Sorry. I forgot to attach the files. Here they are.
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by davisgw »

I have not had a chance to analyze the menu completely, but it looks like the DOS/65 boot loader is not in this monitor ROM. Unfortunately the ROM that does have it does not come up in this machine :-( I will continue looking though....
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by bxdanny »


Nicely done. But I am wondering about that high(er) speed tape interface, and the 80-column display interface. Can you provide any details about them? What would the PIA do in a tape interface? And how does the 80-column display work while using just two bytes of memory space? Is it basically like a serial terminal display, with its own CPU, just connected internally instead of by a serial cable? Or did you just neglect to mention where its display memory is mapped?

So the reset vector of your system is really $FF00, just like with the standard ROMs. Somehow you omitted the byte ($FF) at $FFFD earlier when you listed what the contents of the last few bytes were, and were displaying as. Anyway, I converted your hex dump back to binary and made a full disassembled listing of it. (Yeah, I know there is at least one place, namely at $FE00, where an instruction's opcode is wrongly listed as an operand.) Anyway, I setting a copy of your ROM as the monitor ROM of the emulated C1P under WinOSI, I was able to start BASIC, to boot a disk, and to start the (regular) monitor and even the Extended Monitor. Which means that you must also have the Extended Monitor at $E800, because that's where I have it, and that's where your menu goes to on selection 5. I did notice that, the first time the system is reset using your monitor, a stray character appears just above the first line. With WinOSI (a "hard reset"), this is always a $00, which appears as a racing car character. On the real hardware, it is probably something random. It's caused by the linefeed (displayed after the initial carriage return of your sign-on message) "restoring" the character at $0201, which it thinks was "under the cursor", to the screen. That initial CRLF is not needed, and you could get rid of it by either changing $F9A5 from $FF to $00, or changing $F9A8 from $E9 to $EA. But maybe you know that.

FWIW, I'm uploading the binary file of your ROM and its disassembly.

P.S. Is Davis your first name or last name?
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by Mark »

I also disassembled the data & created a commented assembler file for it, it looks like you had the following programs mapped in your system

WP6502 @ $97B4
ExMon @ $E800
EPromW @ $E150
MemTest @ $E200
DOS/65 @ $E340
Besides the usual BASIC Coldstart, WarmStart & 65V Monitor.
The disk boot & 65V monitor look standard as well as the polled keyboard decoder.

The ROM contains an unused copy of the C2/C4 $FF00 ROM page at $FB00, probably left over from the SYN600 ROM.
The code at $F800 looks like it may have been a line editor mod? It looks for Shiftlock+ESC key & Rub Out. It ends up calling something at $E000

It also uses locations $D400 and $D401 with a delay, and seems to depend on RAM at $F400+
The lines @ $F833 may have been transposed, accessing $08F4 instead of $F408?

You must have had an interesting system!
davisgw rom dump contents
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by davisgw »

Mark and Danny,
You both are troopers with Rom images...I've got the image of the ROM with the Dos/65 loader and will attach it for you. The one I previously sent has vectors to WP6502 @ $97B4, ExMon @ $E800, EPromW @ $E150, MemTest @ $E200, DOS/65 @ $E340, all in PROMS on the S-100 expansion. And I also discovered that it is a companion to a modified Basic4 ROM, and will not successfully reset and display the menu without it (I also found the change I made to Basic4 in notes I made to myself). This oldest system is a Superboard Revision B board and the jumpers I changed to install the modified 2716 Monitor ROM were incorrect even though it booted. So after installing a unmodified Basic4 ROM I was able to get the image of the ROM with the Dos/65 loader. I also found notes to myself of what I changed, and that this version of the Monitor should work in any Superboard.
I disassembled the dump but have not completed marking it up, so I will only provide the dumps of it at this time.

I also found listings of a number of assembler programs, including those for the Prom burner, and the (32 x 80?) video card, both plugged in S-100.
But I have not been able to read the diskette labeled "Assembler Source Files" so I'm bummed about that. Do either one of you know how to confirm the files were for Dos/65 Assembler?

I have the high speed digital tape drive, tapes, and documentation, including a partial design for a S-100 wire wrap card. I never implemented it because floppy disks got a lot cheaper and I could purchase and share diskettes. Want a project? I'll sell it to you....

P.S. - Davis is my last name....
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by Mark »

Thanks for the ROM dump. The DOS/65 boot loader is a bit different from the one on the DOS/65 boot floppy I have.

Attached is the disassembled listing/assembler source and binary ROM image.

Unfortunately although the DOS/65 boot menu loads my DOS/65 disk images, I do not have the correct disk image that coexists with C1P BASIC ROM and so DOS/65 ends up trying to load/execute into BASIC ROM (32K vs 48K DOS/65?).

So the next step would be to dump your DOS/65 disk! To do that will require uploading a dump utility to your C1P via serial port, then downloading the disk data back to your laptop. At 300bps it will take quite a while, but you can make it run at 16x that or 4800bps with a menu option.
See https://osi.marks-lab.com/software/tools.html#OSITools for OSIDump.
The DiskTool program supersedes OSIDump and allows for writing floppies. Included in that archive is a bootable disk image which could be written to a floppy speeding up future dump operations. I could send a dump floppy if needed. PM me if interested.

The data can be captured as ASCII text or transferred via xmodem as binary (--1/2 the size of text).
You can try dumping your assembler source diskette the same way. If it loaded on the OSI it should be dump-able. The assembler format used by DOS/65 seems to be just text. The OSI Assembler used a simple run length encoding to compress files slightly. Either is readable.

ASM source, binary image & listing
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by davisgw »

Thanks a bunch for converting the ROM image TXT file to binary. What tool did you use to do it?
I don't understand what you want to learn by having me dump Dos/65 disk image? Do you want to use my version to figure out how to burn the loader for your version?
Anyway I need to temper your enthusiasm because my old Superboard Version B has no floppy disk capability until I resurrect the S-100 expansion, which at the very least will require me to power it up with another ATX switching supply instead of the passive regulator supply I used 50 years ago....I'm afraid it could short and burn everything out :-( I'm not sure when I can get to that.
On the front of progress I discovered that the diskette I labeled "Assembler Source Code" was NOT for Dos/65, but was instead for OSI Assembler and I could not find the documentation for it...until I searched a box of assorted stuff and discovered I NEVER had the official document from OSI but obtained a Xerox copy from a friend. So I cleaned the moldy diskette and was able to read and copy it onto a new one.
Now with that accomplished I can return to resurrecting hardware. I will let you know when I can dump the disk and whether I need you to send me a dump floppy. Thanks so much for your help.
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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by Mark »

To convert your hex dump file to binary I opened up a folder in Windows Explorer that contained a copy of the DeHex program from https://osi.marks-lab.com/software/file ... /DeHex.zip & dropped C1p_Dos65MonitorSP.txt onto it, causing a C1p_Dos65MonitorSP.bin file to be generated in the same folder.

I don't quite understand how you were able to read your old Assembler Source Code diskette onto a new one if you don't have a working drive? Or are we taking about a drive on a different platform?

F.Y.I. the A65 assembler available on this page: https://osi.marks-lab.com/software/tools.html will assemble OSI Assembler code if you remove the line numbers from the listing. It comes with a PC executable but can be built on Mac/Linux etc. too.

Anyway your DOS/65 disk will be useful as a comparison to the other versions already located and something useful to C1P owners. You can read/dump it on any OSI 5.25" system. No rush though, I just thought you had a working floppy system.

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Re: Upgrade 610 from 2114 RAM to 6264 8K x 8

Post by davisgw »

Both of the newer Superboards I have now will read and write with 2 floppy drives, so making copies is cake for readable diskettes. The old Version B is only expandable with the S-100 unit which I have not yet re-activated. I have 3 C1p systems and lots of moldy floppy diskettes....

So many things to do....power supplies, floppy drives to keep going, documents to find, diskettes to clean, PROMs to burn, etc....

I have to ask, have you been able to start a conversation with Richard Leary (Dos/65) or Steve Hendrix (Hexdos)?
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